Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Why can't Fast Albert attend the annual meeting?

Hello Mark,

I won't be able to make the meeting because.....

1) I need to go to the methodone clinic.

2) I'm currently in jail (although I'm innocent even though I look quite guilty on the film broadcast on national tv)

3) I'm going to the Anna Idaho concert (it is a Hannah Montana tribute band)

4) I'm going to Cyclocross Worlds to beat that Nys character.

5) I'm going to see the Royal Scott Dragoons at George Mason University.

6) I'm going dog fishing in New York city (I use Kentucky Fried Chicken for Bait)

7) I'm going to the Malibu Stacey museum with friends.

Can you guess the correct answer?

Can you guess which answer I stole from National Lampoon?


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