Friday, August 24, 2007

Ironmasters TT Results

Dark, gloomy night that was great for racing! Some of our racers (C-Bu, Cathy, Rick, Uncle Don, Cory...) even went for a run after...

Hard to believe, but there's only 1 TT left in our series! Double points and series awards Thursday, Sept. 6 on the good ol' Ironmasters Mansion course!

Here are last night's times:

Fesler World Cup M 30:48
Kurz SMVC M 32:06
Shaffer SMVC M 33:20
Kaehler SMVC M 33:49
Hartnett SMVC M 35:18
Taylor YBR M 35:55
Laser YBR M 36:06
C-Bu YBR M 38:00
Rennels YBR M 38:00
Large YBR W 39:32
Flora YBR W 43:51


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